PC SF Progressive Lens
PC SF Progressive Lens
Mainland China
Booth: 1B-B09 | Frames & Parts
Product Specification


Product Description
This is a progressive addition lens that can avoid the discontinuities in the visual field created by bifocal and trifocal lenses and are more cosmetically attractive. The additional lens power required for clear vision at different viewing distances can be adjusted by users by tilting his or her head to sight through the appropriate part of vertical progression. The lens location of the correct addition power for the viewing distance usually only requires small adjustments to the head position since near vision tasks such as reading are usually low in the visual field and distant objects are higher in the visual field.
  • Since bifocal and related designs are associated with 'old age', proponents have suggested the lack of segments on the lens surface of a progressive lens to appear more 'youthful', and then the single vision lenses are associated with younger wearers which are free of segments or lines on the surface.
  • Excellent craftsmanship.