Diffusion of Light (Light Diffusion) 擴散光測試裝置
Diffusion of Light (Light Diffusion) 擴散光測試裝置
Hong Kong
Booth: 1E-B14 | Optometric Instruments, Equipment & Machinery | Hong Kong Optical Manufacturers Association Pavilion
Product Specification
Model No.

12SB1192B – LDM 1060

Product Description
Diffusion of light for protective eyewear: light diffusion
Light diffusion (Method A (Basic Method) / Method C) test equipment according to EN 166, EN 167, EN 168, and ECE reg.22/05 to test the quality of the lenses. This with connection to PC provides a fully automatic measuring process.

Safety Eyewear Standards:
European Standard: EN 166, EN 167, EN 168

Motorcycle Helmet Standard: 
EuropeanEconomic Commission Europe: ECE reg.22/05

Light Diffusion擴散光測試裝置
用作測試鏡片的擴散性, 適用於 EN 166, EN 167, EN 168, 及 ECE reg.22/05,機台 (Method A (Basic Method) / Method C) 完全按照標準要求,配合專用軟件,提供一個全自動的檢測方案,協助檢測鏡片的品質

歐洲標準: EN 166, 167, 168

歐洲標準: ECE 22/05 reg.22/05